Gershkovich was detained in late March 2023 while on a reporting trip. He has spent over a year in jail, with authorities ...
Trump's video urging Russia not to release Gershkovich unless he wins is "truly appalling, even by his degraded standards," ...
Biden Calls on Putin to Immediately Release Evan Gershkovich He “remains positive as he awaits trial for a crime he did not commit,” the embassy in Moscow said in a statement on X.
Donald Trump ’s pledge that Evan Gershkovich, the American reporter imprisoned in Russia, will be released by Vladimir Putin ...
Fogel was arrested for possessing cannabis in 2021, and since then he has been sentenced to 14 years in a Russian prison.
Friends of political prisoner, Evan Gershkovich, call for his release from Russian jail Yahoo Sports ...
T.J. Ducklo, a senior adviser to the Biden campaign ... now to Evan Gershkovich in Russia," Ducklo said in a statement. He noted that Trump has said he turned down a deal to release former ...
in which he is seeking to defeat President Joe Biden and return to the White House. “Evan Gershkovich, the Reporter from The Wall Street Journal, who is being held by Russia, will be released ...
There is no communication between Russian President Vladimir Putin and former President Donald Trump about releasing Evan Gershkovich ... possible deal for Gershkovich’s release, the state ...