It’s not quite a stent and not quite a scaffold—either way, the device was associated with low rates of TLF over follow-up.
The AVITA tool led 60% of patients to change their initial preference while also increasing knowledge and decision quality.
The data move physicians and patients closer to having a durable “lead for life” that won’t fracture, says George Crossley.
In addition to a 24% reduction in major kidney disease events, the semaglutide group had 18% less MACE at 3 years versus ...
The strategy allows for a 1-month “buffer period” for ascertaining whether the issues are reversible or persistent.
Two studies indicate that there is room for improvement: a GDMT clinic for HF may help increase use of all four drugs.
While the AI did fine on multiple-choice questions and could justify its answers, it failed a retest just 2 weeks later.
It’s getting harder and harder to justify a group where alteplase would be preferred,” Seemant Chaturvedi says.
A lack of benefit—and possible harm—means tenecteplase shouldn’t be given routinely in this population, researchers say.
Quality of life was also similar, but the catheter procedure was less expensive, making it a potential first-line option for ...
The availability of a dual-chamber leadless system is important, but battery longevity remains an issue, one expert says.
While not every athlete can get back to their sport, a new “athlete-centered” statement says that should be the aim.