Nextgov/FCW: You spoke onstage about the big challenge being balancing opportunity with risk management. That was a big focus ...
The Technology Modernization Fund would once again see zero contributions in FY25, though the U.S. Digital Service would get ...
Nextgov/FCW: When we talked last year, the world’s militaries were kind of shocked at how drones were being used in both new ...
Reducing emissions and energy consumption will allow agencies to model best practices for allied nations while ...
The Pentagon’s Office of the Inspector General found that former Defense Digital Service heads had “exposed DOD information ...
Two months after retiring as head of the National Security Agency and Cyber Command, Gen. Paul Nakasone is confident that the ...
The Federal Trade Commission held meetings with tech industry executives to gather information for a possible antitrust probe of Microsoft’s licensing and bundling practices, fueled in part by major ...
A provision in a recently introduced legislative package would extend VA’s VET-TEC training program through September 2026 ...
The EPA has still not implemented GAO’s 2019 recommendation to develop a process for conducting an organization-wide ...
Another reset is needed to keep the FITARA scorecard relevant in driving IT management best practices across federal agencies ...
The standards agency has been unable to keep up with the inflow of system vulnerabilities being reported to its database.
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked leaders of the Federal Trade Commission and Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate ...