Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes is in town today to take part in Girl's State, hosted at the University of Arizona this ...
Researchers at the U of A say low income families have a more difficult time keeping their mobile homes cool during the ...
"Every summer you should be getting an annual inspection on your AC, getting a full maintenance, because the most common ...
Tucson Subaru surprised patients at Banner University Medicine Diamond Children's Medical Center with 80 warm blankets, 50 ...
TUCSON, Ariz. (KVOA) - A Tucson-based network for troubled youth and foster children is facing numerous lawsuits across the ...
We are told two chemicals were mixed near the pool that released a gas into the air.
It was 107 degrees outside when Trump started speaking at the town hall, where many of Trump’s supporters were unable to get ...
Day, the largest invasion by air, land, and sea in history.
In her debut Olympics three years ago, she earned a bronze in the 200-meter.
A U.S. district judge has dismissed claims by Native American tribes and environmentalists who sought to halt construction ...
TUCSON, Ariz. (KVOA) — Officers from the Tucson Police Department detained five people and recovered half a dozen guns in ...