Fiji's political landscape is in chaos, with a fragile coalition on the brink of collapse and the opposition falling apart ...
The 2022 election of Luis Inácio Lula da Silva signaled Brazil's return to the international stage, coinciding with its roles ...
The economic relationship between China and the EU has deteriorated over the past five years due to geopolitical tensions and ...
Despite, or perhaps because of, Donald Trump’s recent felony conviction by a New York City court, all the polls suggest he is ...
Russian imperialist governments and public agencies have for centuries promoted false narratives about Ukraine both to the ...
Despite government claims of significant victories against Boko Haram, abductions and violence against women in northern ...
Research indicates that the size of a legislature affects public service provision. In Brazil, larger councils lead to lower ...
Relations between the United Kingdom (UK) and Hong Kong have become more complicated and contested following a number of ...
Reinitiating the foreign agents’ law, the Georgian Dream government triggered a political crisis tearing the country between ...
Xi Jinping’s trip to Europe sees him visit three “unlikely” countries: France, Hungary, and Serbia. It is not surprising that ...
The decision by three European countries to recognise Palestinian statehood doesn’t bring the establishment of an ...
The International Criminal Court (ICC or Court) has called for the leaders of Israel and Hamas to stand trial for their ...