In the 17th century, frigid winters and unusually cool summers blanketed northern Europe in what became known as the Little Ice Age. Dutch artists depicted this persistent global cooling in scenes of ...
This date refers to the last time the primary JSON-LD document that contains information on this record has changed. This information comes from the Museum's collection database, and in some cases is ...
Break away from the everyday! Take a closer look at art with Getty experts in dialogue with guest artists, writers, and thinkers. Covering 5,000 years of artworks in the Getty's collection, from ...
Caricatures of salons and artists, 1785-1910 Approximately 720 caricatures, most taken from French journals, but also some prints and original drawings. Items parody various aspects of French culture: ...
This information comes from the Museum's collection database, and in some cases is incomplete or awaiting refinement. Researching the collection is a core component of our work, and we continue to ...
Justin Lansing and Joe Mailander may be Grammy-winning folk musicians, but when you meet them, it’s clear they’re just doing what they’ve been doing since they were three years old. As childhood ...
This date refers to the last time the primary JSON-LD document that contains information on this record has changed. This information comes from the Museum's collection database, and in some cases is ...
When Friedrich Gilly died in 1800, at the age of twenty-eight, he had published only four short essays, and his executed works consisted of a few minor buildings still under construction. Nonetheless, ...
After World War II, avant-garde artists in Argentina and Brazil began to question the role of art in society. Intent on creating a new type of object, they rejected long-established traditions in ...
The Greek philosopher Plato (about 428–347 BC) has had a profound influence on Western culture. His writings, most composed in the form of dialogues led by his teacher Socrates, address fundamental ...
Ancient Mesopotamia, centered in present-day Iraq, occupies a unique place in the history of human culture. It is there, around 3400–3000 BC, that all the key elements of urban civilization first ...
Break away from the everyday! Take a closer look at art with Getty experts in dialogue with guest artists, writers, and thinkers. Covering 5,000 years of artworks in the Getty's collection, from ...