DOC rangers in Whirinaki Te Pua-ā-Tāne Conservation Park have discovered a possible record-breaking roost of threatened ...
An extensive thermal aerial survey has not detected wild goats in Tongariro National Park, but the Department of Conservation ...
Lead the Way is a DOC-led initiative that focuses on public engagement to minimise the impact of dogs on coastal wildlife. We ...
Arrange a permit to fly a drone over conservation land or near marine mammals.
A cohort of kākāpō are settling into a new home on Coal Island/Te Puka-Hereka in Fiordland following a successful ...
The best tool we have to control these introduced predators over large areas is a biodegradable toxin known as 1080. It is ...
New Zealand is precious – everyone who lives and travels here has a responsibility to look after it. Make a commitment to ...
The Takahē Recovery Programme involves DOC’s dedicated Takahē Team and iwi working with a network of people around New ...
Five essential steps for staying safe in the outdoors so you can have a great trip. New Zealand is precious – everyone who ...
Research on the West Coast will help taonga freshwater fish like īnanga get past barriers blocking their travel such as ...
Learn about New Zealand's precious biodiversity and the Te Mana o te Taiao – Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2020.
DOC manages a network of over 950 huts of all shapes and sizes. They provide unique places to stay, refuge from bad weather, ...