Info Source provides information about the functions, programs, activities and related information holdings of government institutions subject to the Access to ...
The Bank of Canada today reduced its target for the overnight rate to 4¾%, with the Bank Rate at 5% and the deposit rate at ...
The Bank’s aggregate amount of securities sold under repurchase agreement and holdings of Government of Canada bonds and treasury bill are updated every Friday on the Bank’s weekly balance sheet. The ...
The Bank of Canada's use of exceptional monetary policy tools in the COVID-19 pandemic: From Quantitative Easing to ...
Executive Director of Payments, Supervision and Oversight Ron Morrow talks about how payments have evolved in Canada and why ...
How often does the cashier just hand over the debit machine when you pay for your morning coffee? Some even seem surprised if you give them cash. Last year in Canada, people used cash for only 1 in 3 ...
Do you ever wonder why some things are way more expensive than they were when you were a kid? It’s a sign of something important in our economy—inflation. Inflation is a measure of how much prices for ...
Evan W. Siddall 2011 – 2013 Fort Reliance Co. / Irving Oil Ltd.
The Bank of Canada (the “Bank”), as issuer of Canadian bank notes, offers a service for the redemption, in appropriate cases, of claims for Canadian bank notes that have become contaminated or ...
Ron Morrow, Executive Director of Payments, Supervision and Oversight, talks about the evolution of payments in Canada, as ...
Do large banks in Canada have enough capital to withstand a severe economic downturn? The COVID‑19 pandemic caused a large disruption to the Canadian economy. However, this health crisis has not ...
We’re taking steps to better understand the impacts of climate change on the economy and to reduce our environmental footprint.