I outlined eight lessons from the Ukraine War. Though I warned that it was too early to be confident about any predictions, ...
This is the first of two parts of an article on coercive threats to critical minerals supply and what Australia and its ...
The Australian Liberal-National opposition’s proposal to build nuclear power stations on the sites of old coal-fired plants ...
This month, hundreds of millions of voters will head to the polls for the European Parliament elections, and many will ask ...
Indo-Pacific alliances and partnerships are a key advantage of the United States in competing with China. Now the United ...
Australia’s digital sovereignty is at risk of disaster, held hostage by a network of vulnerable subsea cables. Our complacent ...
The 20 May 2024 inauguration of Taiwan’s new president, Lai Ching-te, was an exuberant and giddy celebration of democracy.
Australian defence policy’s reliance on technology for asymmetric advantage is mistaken. The advantage won’t last, and what ...
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict matters more to Australians and Indonesians than either country’s foreign policy elite ...
Xi Jinping Thought (XJT) is now the principal ideology governing China. It carries deep implications for the ways democratic ...
Trade barriers, tariffs and other protectionist tools are starting to feature more prominently around the world, often ...
The shire of Burdekin is the capital of north Queensland’s sugar industry and also the centre of a revolution Australian cane ...