Treating all types of dementia Ultimately, Chris and his team hope to discover a way to treat all types of dementia. We are looking at common features across dementias to see if there are ...
About one in 10 people with dementia have dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), where tiny clumps of proteins (known as Lewy bodies) build up in brain cells. People with Parkinson’s disease also have Lewy ...
We have a pair of Trek socks and a Trek26 tote bag for one lucky winner drawn from correct entries received by the end of 3 July 2024, plus a Trek26 tote bag each for three runners-up. Just choose the ...
Every call is different Every Companion Call is different. Some people talk about their hobbies, and others want to have a conversation with you about their day and how your week has been. It feels ...
We have a Berty the breathing dog from Ravencourt for one lucky winner drawn from correct entries received by the end of 3 July 2024, plus a dog or cat Precious Petzzz for one runner-up. Just choose ...
I continued to get support even after Mum died. The first year of firsts without Mum was hard – the first Christmas, her birthday. So getting supportive messages really helped me. Alzheimer’s Society ...
One way to influence change is by speaking to MPs. But there are other ways to help make dementia a priority within the health system. I’ve been contacting local decision-makers in Kent to help ...
For our next book group, we invite you to read A Family Guide to Living Well with Dementia, by Liz Leach Murphy and Jayna Patel. Tell us what you think about this practical guide for families, ...
During Dementia Action Week in May, I attended a Cardiff event and spoke to Members of the Senedd (elected representatives of the Welsh Parliament) about my experience with dementia. We shared our ...
Sir Tony Robinson's experience of dementia Sir Tony Robinson's experience of dementia was recorded to launch in time for Dementia Action Week. Tony and Fiona discussed the history of Alzheimer’s from ...
Life after a dementia diagnosis Jackie still has her independence. She has always loved shopping so now I write a note and she shows it to staff in the shops, if she needs any help. She still does ...
About 12 years ago, myself and a couple of the family, her sister in particular, noticed something. We didn’t know what it was and we didn’t know anyone with dementia. We eventually went to see our ...