Today, a new North has burst out of its old shell.' Trident TV was born out of the marriage of Tyne Tees and Yorkshire in 1970. From the Borders down to the Wash, the new company promoted the spending ...
This stunning example of Edwardian cut-and-paste creativity, powered by magical scissors and Hunt’s Fish Glue, is part of the origin story of British animation. Former stage magician and special ...
David Lowery's (Ain't Them Bodies Saints) haunting exploration of love and loss, winner of numerous festival prizes since its debut at Sundance 2017, is one of the most distinctive films to emerge ...
Ozu's first sound film is a powerful tale of sacrifice and hope set against the backdrop of depression-era Japan. Otsune Nonomiya (Choko Lida) works long hours in a silk factory to fund her son ...
Lindsay Anderson and screenwriter David Sherwin reworked Malcolm McDowell’s treatment – based on his own experiences – into a sprawling, epic journey with echoes of ‘Candide’. Mick Travis, a coffee ...
Sharp of suit and vocabulary, Bill Nighy is winningly deadpan as Scrabble-obsessed Merseyside tailor Alan, whose eldest son Michael stormed out of the house after a particularly heated round of the ...
A terminally-ill boxer, a runaway call girl, a double-crossing drugs heist, an underworld gang war... it’s all happening in the explosive First Love, the latest from prolific auteur Takashi Miike ...
“Once upon a time”, starts this story, as all good stories do, “.. before the National Coal Board was ever heard of, Wales was an island”. Ian Malcolm of Cardiff’s cine club then plays imaginatively ...
Only a Terry Gilliam film could have its ‘making of’ screened almost two decades before the actual film is released. Lost in La Mancha was the 2002 documentary about Gilliam’s first attempt to adapt ...
Tomas Alfredson (Let the Right One In) directs this impressive reversioning of John LeCarré's esteemed spy novel, previously adapted as a much-loved BBC miniseries in 1979. Gary Oldman leads an ...
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Home movies are intimate catalogues of everyday life: birthdays and holidays, childhoods and neighbourhoods. Each reel is a private scrapbook - memories of cherished people, places and times committed ...