At least one of the years between now and 2028 will very likely set a new temperature record breaking through the crucial ...
Welcome to our live coverage of one of the most important speeches on climate change that António Guterres has made since ...
No less than 18 crisis locations already suffering from dire food insecurity could see a “firestorm of hunger” unless aid ...
The UN Secretary-General has called for safeguarding Earth’s vital ecosystems from rampant pollution, worsening climate ...
The UN’s top aid official said on Tuesday he was leaving office at the end of the month with “some important pieces of wisdom ...
A staggering one million people have now fled Rafah in southern Gaza, the UN aid agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) said ...
Conflicts in Sudan and across the Sahel region have compromised protection for migrants who continue to face “unimaginable ...
UN humanitarians said on Monday that they have finally been able to deliver truckloads of food to highly vulnerable people in ...
Violence in the occupied West Bank linked to the war in Gaza passed a deadly milestone with more than 500 Palestinians killed ...
In the lush fields of Angola’s northeastern Lunda Norte province, a transformative project initiated by the UN refugee agency ...
Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium continues to increase, the head of the UN atomic watchdog agency said on Monday, adding ...
The narrowing space left for civilians in the Gaza Strip is becoming increasingly limited and crowded, while dire living ...