Diabetes drugs Wegovy and Ozempic, containing semaglutide, significantly reduce the incidence and recurrence of alcohol-use ...
Researchers identified disease-specific reductions in emotional expressivity in Lewy body dementia through deep neural ...
The researchers found that brain waves bias perception towards more probable sounds or words when stimuli were presented in a ...
Aspirin improved sleep efficiency and decreased inflammation markers like interleukin-6. A new study to be presented at the ...
Researchers discovered two brain regions crucial for social gaze in primates. Stimulating the orbitofrontal cortex increased ...
Recent research suggests the brain might host its own microbiome, challenging the long-held belief that it is a sterile organ ...
Summary: Researchers upgraded BARseq to map millions of neurons, enhancing our understanding of brain connections. This advanced technique reveals how losing vision changes the visual cortex, making ...
Summary: Researchers found genetic associations between sleep patterns and neuropsychiatric conditions like autism, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. Polygenic risk score analysis revealed that autism and ...
Summary: A new survey found that 24% of U.S. adults incorrectly believe the MMR vaccine causes autism, despite CDC evidence to the contrary. This misconception contributes to vaccine hesitancy and ...
Summary: A new study found that mentally stimulating activities improve cognition in memory clinic patients, but stress undermines these benefits. Higher cognitive reserve enhances cognition, but ...
Fruit flies use the neurotransmitter octopamine to decide whether food memories are stored long-term or short-term.
Synthetic estrogen in birth control is linked to increased anxiety behaviors in female rats. The study used a rat model to ...