The Divestment Coalition held a rally at the encampment at 1 p.m., encouraging supporters to show up and bring flags and ...
The Prison + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project (PNAP) is another program that empowers incarcerated students, with a focus ...
For individuals who have a menstrual cycle and those who are incarcerated, having something as normal and natural as a monthly period cycle might put their own life at risk.
DePaul’s School of Cinematic Arts hosted a screening of Greg Kwedar’s upcoming A24 film Sing Sing in late April. Based on actual events and people, Sing Sing demonstrates what rehabilitation and ...
With its homogenous nature, the architecture of the modern urban landscape aims to serve a city’s assimilation onto the ...
The House passed a bill on Thursday to send arms shipments to Israel. According to ABC News, however, “the bill is not likely ...
I have a tendency to embarrass myself in public—a lack of social awareness from a young age will do that to someone. I love ...
The first major rejection of my life was when I was 6 years old. I was in the first grade.
I have always been considered stubborn. I often know what I want, how I want it and where. I don’t consider myself incapable of compromise, in fact, I encourage it! I am happiest when, and only when, ...
It was difficult for me to make friends as a child. Others could walk up to someone and ask, “what’s your favorite color?” or ...
On Thursday morning, DePaul University called in the Chicago Police Department and DePaul Public Safety to dismantle the ...