Annotation of newly-sequenced genomes frequently includes genes, but rarely covers important non-coding genomic features such as the cis-regulatory modules—e.g., enhancers and silencers—that regulate ...
This valuable study marks a significant advancement in brain aging research by centering on Asian populations (Chinese, Malay, and Indian Singaporeans), a group frequently underrepresented in such ...
It is currently impossible to non-invasively assess cerebellar cell structure during early development. Here we propose a novel approach to non-invasively and longitudinally track cell-specific ...
The burgeoning interest in in situ multiplexed gene expression profiling technologies has opened new avenues for understanding cellular behavior and interactions. In this study, we present a ...
Encoding of sensory information in our eyes and ears builds on specialized ribbon synapses of sensory cells. Elucidating the molecular underpinning of their fascinating structure and function is an ...
Our cells rely on a large set of genes, each one fulfilling a particular task. But what happens if there is a need for a gene to carry out a new task? Famously, evolution is a tinkerer and rather than ...
Endothelial and skeletal muscle lineages arise from common embryonic progenitors. Despite their shared developmental origin, adult endothelial cells (ECs) and muscle stem cells (MuSCs) (satellite ...
The structural integrity of the sperm is crucial for male fertility, defects in sperm head-tail linkage and flagellar axoneme are associated with acephalic spermatozoa syndrome (ASS) and the multiple ...
The atypical cadherins Fat and Dachsous (Ds) signal through the Hippo pathway to regulate growth of numerous organs, including the Drosophila wing. Here, we find that Ds-Fat signaling tunes a unique ...
Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100193, P. R. China Berry Genomics Corporation, Beijing, 100015, P. R ...
This potentially useful study involves neuro-imaging and electrophysiology in a small cohort of congenital cataract patients after sight recovery and age-matched control participants with normal sight ...
This important study uses state-of-the-art, multi-region two-photon calcium imaging to characterize the statistics of functional connectivity between visual cortical neurons. The evidence supporting ...