A new approach to calculating wildfire risk shows that more people and places in the U.S. are in harm’s way than previously ...
The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research.
CLIMATEWIRE | One sector of the global economy is conspicuously absent from countries' efforts to halt climate change: the ...
The shape of our universe is not clear, however. Previous studies have suggested that the cosmos probably has a fairly simple ...
Like exercising and drinking water, protecting yourself from the sun is an important part of primary and preventative health ...
By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoverie Launched on ...
The iconic star Polaris appears to be much younger than its true age. The secret: it’s eating another star Polaris, the North ...
GenAI can be used to easily clone voices or faces to create deepfakes, in which a person’s likeness is imitated digitally.
NASA’s head of heliophysics explains how we weathered the worst solar storm of a generation—and discusses the challenges we ...
Warming waters are reaching several miles into Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier—nicknamed the “doomsday glacier” because of its ...
Mathematicians are working on ways to use their field to tackle major social issues, such as social inequality and the need ...
A new study shows that hundreds of thousands more Black people in the U.S. would qualify for a lung disease diagnosis and ...