If you have any of these classic kids’ books sitting on your shelf in mint condition, you could make a pretty penny.
Judging from the fossils, this “Teen Rex” was 25 feet long and weighed about 3500 pounds while alive.
Did you know the treasure map was speckled with real blood? In honor of Goonies Day, discover some more fast facts about the 1985 hit.
The result is an eclectic journey through pop music that starts with The Everly Brothers and Del Shannon and deposits you at the doorsteps of Drake and BTS. It turns out that Paul McCartney is the MVP ...
The condition typically disappears after a few days on land, but there have been documented cases that lasted for months or even years.
What began as a show about the survivors of a plane crash attempting to survive on a tropical island quickly turned into ...
Lewis and Clark encountered grizzly bears, coyotes, and pronghorns. / Mark Newman/The Image Bank/Getty Images (grizzly bear); Darrell Gulin/The Image Bank/Getty Images (coyote); Scott Suriano ...
Brides or grooms with second thoughts are said to have chilly extremities. The origin of the phrase has a little something to do with poker.
What is a degree worth to you? For some, that answer would be “quite a lot.” An average person who takes out federal loans winds up saddled with $37,338 of debt; private loans have a higher average ...
Some home chefs (and perhaps some commercial chefs) believe that washing raw chicken can help remove pathogens like Salmonella. While that’s possible, it’s totally unnecessary. Cooking poultry up to a ...
In his famous 1858 speech, Abraham Lincoln warned that only civil war would resolve the issue of slavery in the U.S. He ...
As is the case with many nursery rhymes, there are a few dark theories about the origin of “eeny, meeny, miny, moe.” One, as ...