NASA has confirmed that a nearly 2-pound chunk ... roof and two floors of a Florida man's house last month came from the International Space Station. The space administration said in a blog ...
The mysterious object that crashed through the roof of a Florida home last month did indeed come from the International Space Station (ISS), NASA has confirmed ... the debris to be a stanchion ...
"It was just wild. It was crazy-looking. I really didn't know what to think." ...
(AP) — NASA confirmed Monday that a mystery object that crashed through the roof of a Florida home last month was a chunk of space junk from equipment discarded at the International Space Station ...
It’s raining space junk. Just one month after NASA admitted that a piece of trash tossed from the International Space Station (ISS ... was also suspected to have come from SpaceX’s Dragon ...
New data analysis suggests that NASA and its partners might have discovered more cost-effective ways to tackle the growing ...
(AP) — NASA confirmed Monday that a mystery object that crashed through the roof of a Florida home last month was a chunk of space junk from equipment discarded at the International Space Station ...
NAPLES, Fla. (AP) — NASA confirmed Monday that a mystery object that crashed through the roof of a Florida home last month was a chunk of space junk from equipment discarded at the International ...