Control over the South China Sea has once again been thrown into question as a top regional ally of the US raged at China ...
Recent maritime run-ins between China and the Philippines have made the highly strategic South China Sea a potential flash ...
While reiterating that the arbitral tribunal in the South China Sea arbitration exceeded its jurisdiction and made an ...
The survey – conducted in March as part of a series by private pollster Octa Research tracking Filipino attitudes on the ...
A US think tank says Vietnam has rapidly expanded its outposts in the South China Sea, where the country has territorial ...
MANILA--Sweden’s defense chief has expressed alarm over Beijing’s repeated dangerous maneuvers against Philippine vessels in ...
Parts of northern China may see temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius and above this week, authorities warn. Meanwhile, Guangxi ...
As Japan seeks to boost defense cooperation with the Philippines amid a Manila-Beijing territorial row that has escalated ...
Newspaper that published the clips says they show Manila was lying about the incident last month in the Second Thomas Shoal.
Vietnam is ramping up its artificial island construction due to its territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea.
Clear about the intentions and consequences of the U.S. actions and unwilling to be pawns of the United States, most ASEAN ...
The Philippine Navy is monitoring the dredging and landfill work of Vietnam in the South China Sea, which is being done ...