As Sayyids—claiming lineal descent from the Prophet Muhammad—they were part of the same group as the religious monarchs known ...
The four unrelated Turkish and Afghan dynasties that followed, including the Khaljis, the Tughluqs, the Sayyids, and the Lodis, ruled North India for more than 300 years, until 1526. Sikhism is a ...
The few Taliban defenders fled. 6 2 The term Hazara, as used in this report, includes Sayyids, who account for about 5 percent of Hazarajat's population. Sayyids form a distinct caste within ...
Like Khamenei and his predecessor, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Revolution, Raisi donned a cleric’s black turban, one that is reserved for “sayyids,” or people who ...
Like Mr. Khamenei and his predecessor, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic revolution, Mr. Raisi donned a cleric’s black turban, one that is reserved for “sayyids,” or ...
Possession of relics served to support claims of ancestry to Muhammad, which was integral to the identities of Sayyids Sufis, and Shi‘as, as well as confer legitimacy on rulers. The reliquary at the ...
The Ashraf are self-proclaimed descendants of Muslim immigrants who emigrated to the Indian subcontinent from the Middle East ...
But much before the Zanjani brothers to Lahore came a saint of immense stature named Sheikh Ismail, a prominent scholar of Bukhari Sayyids. He was the very first Muslim saint to come to the sub ...
Like Khamenei and his predecessor, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Revolution, Raisi donned a cleric’s black turban, one that is reserved for “sayyids”, or people who ...